Bonus Program: Social Security Considerations in Estate Planning
This session considers integrating Social Security retirement benefits into estate planning. Even with the high net worth client, this benefit is an important planning tool because of tax affects and longevity considerations. We will address issues such as how the system’s underfunding factors into projecting benefits, how to avoid the Social Security tax torpedo, retirement income bridging techniques that help defer and maximize retirement benefits, and coordinating OASDI payments with retirement drawdowns. Practical considerations are also included, such as how to help the client file for the benefit, using the benefit to pay for Medicare, and what to do about Social Security at death.
Steve Parrish is a former practicing attorney and financial planner with over 40 years’ experience in financial services. He serves as Co-Director of the Retirement Income Center at The American College and as an adjunct estate planning professor at Drake University Law School. He is widely published in legal and financial journals, and is an ongoing Forbes contributor.